Meet the Founder

Results That Drive Teams Forward

Companies We Have Worked With

Hear How We’ve Helped

Client Successes

"Every decision making was a breeze after."

"With remarkable clarity, she delved into each of my strengths, helping me understand their applications in my unique circumstances. Her ability to uncover whether I innately lead with my head or heart made all the difference. Every decision making was a breeze after."

Michelle Goh
Branch Division Director, Singapore

"Unveiled a map to my full potential"

The session was a revelation. Shu Yi unveiled a map to my full potential, uncovering hidden strengths I never paid attention to.

Shu Yi pushed me to see the immense power these strengths held, suggesting ways to leverage them in new scenarios and conquer past roadblocks. The session left me energised and equipped – with a deeper understanding of myself and a clear roadmap to achieving greater success through my strengths.

Shu Ping Khew
Deputy Managing Director, Tate Anzur

"A highly effective coach offering valuable insights"

Shu Yi is a highly effective coach, offering valuable insights with her well-prepared questions which bring deeper reflection. Our sessions leave me with a sense of curiosity and a refreshing boost of energy.

Ian Douglas
Director of Solution Engineering, Salesforce

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