Making a mid-career change can feel daunting, especially if you've spent years in a particular role or industry. Whether you're seeking more fulfilment, a new challenge, or simply a fresh start, understanding and using your unique strengths can make this transition smoother and more rewarding.

1. Identify your strengths.

Understand Your Core Strengths: Start by identifying your strengths through a profiling tool like CliftonStrengths. What are you naturally good at? What energises you? What do you do at work that people keep coming to you for? Reflect on how your strengths have shaped your career so far and influenced your success and accomplishments.

2. Explore New Career Pathways

Match Your Strengths to Opportunities: Create a list of potential job roles or industries that align with your identified strengths. For example, if "Strategic" is a top strength, look into roles that looks at market trends, business development, or strategic planning where this skill is highly valued.

Consider reaching out to the people closest to you and asking, “What role could you see me excelling in? Where do you feel like I could best use my strengths?” You might be surprised and get ideas on career choices that never crossed your mind.

3. Assess Your Skills and Experience

Identify Potential Gaps: Get a sense of what the requirements of these roles are by looking at job postings on LinkedIn or talking to people in these roles. Compare your current skill set with the requirements of the careers you are interested in. If you find skills gaps, enroll in specific courses or seek out volunteer opportunities that will allow you to gain the necessary experience and credentials.

4. Leverage on Your Existing Network and Build on It

Leverage Your Connections: Networking is critical in a career transition. Attend industry events, connect on LinkedIn, and seek advice from professionals who are in your desired field. Your existing network can offer valuable insights and opportunities.

5. Revamp Your Resume and Cover Letter

Highlight Your Strengths: Update your resume to reflect your strengths and how they apply to your new career goals. Tailor your cover letter to showcase how your experience and strengths make you an ideal candidate. Use specific examples where you successfully applied your key strengths in your previous jobs.

6. Track and celebrate your progress

Mid-career transitions can be challenging, but maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Be patient, seek support when needed, and stay committed to your goals. Remember, this transition is an opportunity to align your career that is worth your health and wellbeing in the long run.

Keep a weekly log of your job search activities and progress, including networking events attended and applications sent. Celebrate small victories, like securing an informational interview, to maintain motivation.

By focusing on your strengths, you can navigate your mid-career transition with confidence, setting the

stage for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven professional life.

Need professional guidance on this journey?

If you're considering a career shift and want personalized guidance, we're here to help.

Goh Shu Yi
Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach
Founder and Principal Consultant

As a facilitator and Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Shu Yi specialises in unlocking individual and organizational performance through the lens of strengths. Prior to founding The Strengths Co. she held leadership positions in technology MNCs in the world such as Accenture, Standard Chartered Bank and Salesforce, partnering with largest clients in APAC in their digital transformation journey across cross-functional disciplines.

With more than 15 years of corporate experience working with organisations in transformation initiatives, she brings a holistic perspective to align team strengths to achieve organisational goals.

Her work centers on nurturing strengths-oriented culture in the workplace to empower impactful careers. Her unique methodology aligns personal strengths and values with professional goal-setting, ensuring a purpose-driven, productive, and fulfilling work/life rhythm.

Industry Specialties: Technology and Financial Services (Banking and Insurance)